July 11 Kehoe Beach, Point Reyes National Seashore, California

Point Reyes National Seashore

June 11th | Saturday | Heat Wave

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It was a heatwave over the weekend. California was recording temperatures of over 100 ‘F. Mike asked where I would like to go hiking. I said, “I don’t want the forest as I want the sun, but it will be too hot and exposed on the mountains. Hmm, let’s go to the beach, but an isolated beach.”

He was tasked with looking for a beach that not many people will go to or know about. I love the sea, the sand and sunsets, but over the years, I haven’t been to beaches much because people flock to the beach in swimwear in groups. I hated being in either of the two.

We headed out at 4pm; the time that most people will be returning home for dinner (we hoped). It took us around 90 minutes to get to Point Reyes. Each time we are in Point Reyes, I wish we live there. Such a lovely place; the rolling hills and the coast remind us so much of Scotland. 

We walked about half a mile before reaching Kehoe Beach. I was prepared for crowds but was surprised that there weren’t many people there. What a treat! We found a spot and laid down our picnic mat and bags. We popped open a beer, and had dinner whilst listening to the waves.

After dinner, we strolled on the beach, felt the warm sand with our feet, dipped our feet into the cold water, watched little hermit crabs get washed up onshore, and picked some rocks and seaweed. 

The sun was setting, the sky turned yellow on one end and pink on the other. We stared out to the horizon as the sun set; it was beautiful. 

Night fell and we walked back out to our car. It has been a truly lovely evening.

About the author

Dee Dee Lim is a architect and potter who loves nature and camping. She romantizes about living in the desert with Mike, Pepper (our cat), goats, a ceramic studio and a vegetable garden.