Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

August 1st, 2020 | Saturday | 85’F but no mozzies | Campsite #44 but #28 is the best for silence

We arrived at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park camp ground, popped open a can of beer, lied down on our picnic mats in the shade, and absorbed the surrounding nature in the non existence of time. 

Families surrounded us; sounds of water and ferocious hand washing; screams of kids; squeals from bicycle wheels round and round the camp ground. Noise. We shut out the noise and focus on watching the steller’s jays.

That evening, we went for a sunset walk. The sun, still high and hot, shone upon us. We picked and sucked on the blackcurrants as our shirts clung onto our sweaty backs. Little wildflowers blossomed in bursts of yellow, pink and white, amongst the dried up, crusty grass. In front of us – the mountain burnt and black from its last wild fire. 

[lfh-gpx src= title=”My travel in Massif Central” color=red width=4 ]An exceptionnal trail trough ….[/lfh-gpx]

After dinner, we heard a loud growl behind the bushes. Mountain lion? Coyote? Racoon? I fell asleep, praying for the creature to leave me alone. 

August 2nd, 2020 | Sunday

We were having breakfast when we saw the creature. Creatures. They were grey foxes, hunting the birds from behind the bushes. 2 lovely grey foxes. 

[lfh-gpx src= title=”My travel in Massif Central” color=red width=4 ]An exceptionnal trail trough ….[/lfh-gpx]

Learning from Nature:

  1. The California Gray Fox is the predominant carnivorous mammal in the great tracts of chaparral which clothe the western flanks of the Sierra Nevada. While it ranges somewhat outside the brushland, it is as characteristic a member of the fauna there as is the wren-tit or the California Thrasher among birds – NPS
  2. A generalist forager, Steller’s Jays eat insects, seeds, berries, nuts, small animals, eggs, and nestlings. Around people, they also eat garbage, unguarded picnic items, and feeder fare such as peanuts, sunflower seeds, and suet. With large nuts such as acorns and pinyon pine seeds, Steller’s Jays carry several at a time in their mouth and throat, then bury them one by one as a winter food store. Steller’s Jays are opportunists and will steal food from other birds or look for handouts from people. – All about Birds
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About the author

Dee Dee Lim is a architect and potter who loves nature and camping. She romantizes about living in the desert with Mike, Pepper (our cat), goats, a ceramic studio and a vegetable garden.