The High Sierra

July 3rd – 5th | Independence Day Weekend, USA! | 75’F

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Dispersed camping
Car tilting
Pika calling
Rock forest hiking
Pine allergies exploding 
Mozzies disappearing
Cool wind blowing
Sunset viewing
Moon rising
Smoked duck snacking
Cowbells ringing
Groundhog crossing
Wildflowers blooming

July 4th, Saturday

This was a nice hike. It brought us to Upper Kinney Lake where we spent some time having lunch and dipping our feet into the cold water.

[lfh-gpx src= title=”My travel in Massif Central” color=red width=4 ]An exceptionnal trail trough ….[/lfh-gpx]

Learning from Nature

We hear bells ringing in the far distance, cow bells. In bed, I imagined the cows heading towards us, climbing up the mountains, our tent and us trampled by them.

Later, we learnt that every year, cattle is taken up Highway 4 to grazing allotments in the Stanislaus National Forest for the summer. They are there for about three to four months, grazing and calving, and after summer ends, they are brought home

About the author

Dee Dee Lim is a architect and potter who loves nature and camping. She romantizes about living in the desert with Mike, Pepper (our cat), goats, a ceramic studio and a vegetable garden.